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The words of General Manager of METALQUIMIA
Josep Lagares General Manager of METALQUIMIA.
The business family that I have the honor to represent has always felt, right from its beginnings, the need to contribute its humble grain of sand towards broadening the knowledge and diffusion of Catalan music and culture, with creative and innovative proposals able to captivate hearts around the world.
Within the framework of this spirit and this desire we can find, among others, such projects as the collection “ “MUSIC FROM CATALONIA”, which gathers together the most significant passages of our musical heritage .... from cobla music, in all its many aspects, to choral music and the habanera, or the musical work “SARDANES DE CORDA” (“SARDANAS FOR STRINGS”), initiated jointly with the Orquesta de Cámara del Empordà (Empordà Chamber Orchestra), in which Catalan cobla instruments are replaced by string instruments, so that the sardana takes on a new dimension that is both surprising and marvellous.
Now it is the turn of LA SIMFÒNICA DE COBLA I CORDA DE CATALUNYA (THE COBLA AND STRING SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA OF CATALONIA) ... a new orchestral combination, resulting from the fusion of Cobla and Strings, which raises Catalan music up to unexpected limits of amazing beauty.
With this vanguard solution put forth by LA SIMFÒNICA DE COBLA I CORDA DE CATALUNYA, together with its first musical work “SARDANES PER AL MÓN” (SARDANAS FOR THE WORLD), we should all be aware that we are witnessing a unique, once in a lifetime moment of our culture, similar to the birth of the Catalan cobla in Figueres, more than 150 years ago, enjoying a new musical concept that emanates from the depths of our roots.
LA SIMFÒNICA DE COBLA i CORDA DE CATALUNYA is destined to reach great heights of renown, anticipating its own future, the future of music and of Catalan culture, with a work of global diffusion that, beyond all doubt, will transcend the limits of space and of our time.