The words of Llorenç Caballero about Llegendes del Cinema (Movie Legends)


Llorenç Caballero, Artistic Director of the Orquestra de Cadaqués.

The project of the the Jove Orquestra de les Comarques Gironines JOCG is one of the activities to which the Orqueestra de Cadaqués wishes to devote more effort and considers to be of great importance, because they understand it as a firm commitment to the future, giving young music students between the ages of sixteen and twenty the opportunity to engage in first-class orchestral work with teachers and conductors of recognized international prestige.

For the members of the Jove Orquestra de les Comarques Gironines, participating in The Simfònica de Cobla i Corda de Catalunya SCCC allows them to be part of a unique project under the tutelage of professional musicians from the cobla orchestra La Principal de la Bisbal, conducted by Francesc Cassú, and gives them the chance to participate and perform in concert a repertoire that is both demanding and fun, such as the one we present here.

The Orquestra de Cadaqués would like to thank each and every one of the boys and girls who participate in this project, the Cobla Principal de la Bisbal and Francesc Cassú for their involvement and, most especially, the gentlemen Narcís and Josep Lagares of the company METALQUIMIA for their leadership in such a stimulating project and for their trust in asking us to take part in it.