Words of Jaume Lleixà about Emociona't amb la SCCC · Himnes del cor


What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “chanting”? Perhaps the thing fans do at a football match, or perhaps a political rally with much gesticulating and empty slogans, or even a demonstration in the street with lots of shouting and flag waving. However, there is another kind of chanting that better reflects the spirit of the project we are now proud to present. Of course we are talking about the chanting of hymns: Poetic or musical composition of praise extolling the ideals of an individual, a people or an institution.

Peace, freedom, environmentalism, joyfulness and spirituality are the ideals that the Cobla and String Symphony Orchestra of Catalonia and the Metalquimia Foundation want to spread and exalt.

The SCCC’s aim has always been to contribute a small grain of musical sand to help make this often difficult world a slightly better place to live in. And it succeeds in this task by sharing these ideas with all the people who are part of the project, and with all of you – the public who come to our concerts – and indeed with everyone who listens to the results of our work.

In this spirit, and under the motto of “Emociona’t amb la SCCC”, launched just before the pandemic, which has forced us to rethink many things we do as human beings, we are now proud to present “Himnes del Cor” (“Hymns of the Heart”), a compilation of pieces that have become, due to their unique capacity to captivate and touch the heart, emblematic and representative of the ideals that continue to drive us in contributing our little grain of sand. 

Thank you all for accompanying us on this emotional journey.


Jaume Lleixà

Technical Director of the SCCC