Words of the Most Honorable Quim Torra about LLull


Quim Torra, President of the Generalitat of Catalalonia.

On its tenth anniversary, Simfònica de Cobla i Corda de Catalunya (SCCC), following on from the success of previous editions, is facing the most important challenge in its history by presenting us with the opera Llull, with an original libretto by the writer Jaume Cabré, music by Francesc Cassú and stage direction by Xavier Albertí, director of Teatre Nacional de Catalunya.

The opera Llull is a project that has long been cherished by the Simfònica’s promotors, and one which has come to fruition now, with the successful commemoration of the 700th anniversary of the death of the Blessed Ramon Llull still resounding. This event effectively brought the Dante of Catalan literature from the great universities to local libraries and all of its citizens, at the same time as raising its international profile.

However, rather than focus on that commemoration, I would like to talk about the tenth anniversary of the Simfònica, a unique and widely renowned orchestra which, thanks to the support and patronage of Metalquimia, has come up with the perfect formula for excellence that we are enjoying today. The SCCC combines the young talent of Jove Orquestra de les Comarques Gironines with the experience and professionalism of La Principal de la Bisbal and Polifònica de Puig-reig in the choral sections, in addition to outstanding figures from Catalan music and stage. A combination which, edition after edition, has brought it increasing consistency and recognition, as demonstrated by the Enderrock awards it received in the last two editions for the productions Tossudament Llach and Cançó d'amor i de guerra.

The choice of this year’s subject is no coincidence. Llull’s name is inextricably linked with the concepts of dialogue between cultures and excellence, not only as one of the most important figures in Catalan literature, but also as one of the leading exponents of culture and thought in Europe in his era.

And this is the way that our Government views culture, as a tool for social cohesion, open and accessible to everyone throughout the entire region and internationally too; something that is also exemplified by the location and occasion of the premiere: the Auditori de Girona as part of the Temporada Alta performing arts festival, a leading event on both the national and international scene.

And so, I am delighted to welcome this new project from the firmly established Simfònica de Cobla i Corda de Catalunya and to wish them every future success, and I hope that the audience’s response rewards the enormous effort that has gone into bringing the opera Llull to the stage.



Quim Torra i Pla