What does the press say...
The concert of the year in Girona
Metalquimia and the Girona Auditorium, together
Article published by EXPANSION about the collaboration between the Company METALQUIMIA and the Auditorium of Girona to support the SCCC
The SCCC presents Unforgettable
Article in the newspaper El Punt
La Simfònica de Cobla i Corda de Catalunya. Unforgettable in concert
After the success of its 2008 presentation in the Auditori de Girona, the Simfònica de Cobla i Corda de Catalunya SCCC, now presents for the first time a repertoire of unforgettable works of Catalan music.
Inoblidables en concert (Unforgettable in concert)
Website "Girona Cultura" with information about the concert "Inoblidables en concert" that will take place in the Auditori de Girona next November 20th.
Auditorium. The SCCC concert.
Published new in the newspaper Diari de Girona
Sounds of Catalan cobla and strings
Article published in Punt de Festa
The SCCC will record the New Year's Concert for TV3
The SCCC will record the New Year's Concert for the Catalan TV - TV3. TV3 will replace the traditional waltzs for Catalan music.